If you would have asked me in 2018 if I would be traveling to Laguna Beach SEVEN times for education in 2019, I would have probably laughed and then followed with something sarcastic. #typical.

Mostly because I would think about traveling arrangements + expenses, time off of work, an already a busy schedule, and - truthfully just the fear of the unknown with THAT big of a commitment.

Last week I had my FOURTH trip down to California (oh - spoiler, I did earn a spot in NBR’s Mastermind Program, BMS - in case you were still hanging on to what happened there) and each and every time I go down I get to reunite with some of the BEST women from all walks of life, from all parts of the nation!

Women who are going outside of their COMFORT ZONES to talk about what it takes to be a Female Entrepreneur.

These words come up EVERY.TIME

  • Vulnerability

  • Authenticity

  • Fear of: Opinions, Judgements, Failures, Successes - you name it.

  • Doubt

  • Mom Guilt

  • Overwhelm

  • Work/Life Balance

  • the list goes on my friend…

You know what I’m reminded of every damn time…We ALL feel these things. We think (thanks social media) that everyone else is #crushingit at adulting, and life, and business, and doing ALL the things we wish we could. But when we really start to talk about it with each other there is a TON of “OMG me too” .

If there is something up there on that list that you are like, ohhhh - that’s me… you are not alone in it. Everyone is feeling it too, but not everyone is openly talking about it. BECAUSE OF FEAR and VULNERABILITY. That shit is a vicious cycle.

I am PROUD to be in a group of women who are actively working on self growth. Who make commitments to themselves, in front of others, to rise up to their full potential as a woman, a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, an entrepreneur, and stylist for their clients ~ DESPITE if it’s an uncomfortable road to get there.

I’m also HELLA FREAKING INSPIRED when we’re all back together in the same room like we were last week and pull out the goals we made the last time we were together. That’s some accountability right there. “You said you were going to grow in these areas - Did you?”


The part that motivates me the most, is that this group of women DID grow. They worked reeaaallllly hard and accomplished the things they said they would. They’re ready to make new goals and move past new roadblocks!

I’m feeling EXTRA grateful for the connections I’ve made and the fire I feel every time I’m around #BMSMastermind Everyone needs a Tribe.

~xo babes.

Oh yeah ~ if you’re wondering where all the HAIR talk was today and you’re just here for some NBR Extensions, I didn’t forget about you. Here ya go: NBR Hair History Form
