Over here just feeling so energized coming off summer break. I realized I needed to disconnect in order to reconnect. A strategy I didn’t fully understand or know how powerful it was going to be- until I was in it. Creating an intentional PAUSE is something I’ll continue to implement in life and in business, no questions asked.

Unplugging was the exact strategy my husband and I used to LISTEN to our intuition on where we wanted to land and call home. 

If you’ve been here with me a while, you KNOW that my heart is in the Mountains. They hold a magic that I just can’t explain. The outdoors fuel my mind, body and spirit and is a key ingredient I need in the quest for a balanced life. ~You also know that your girls’ Sagittarius spirit is going to always answer the call…and the multi-passionate Man-Gen soul is going to do say, “lets do it!”

Which led to Summer ’23 camping in the backcountry and really deciding what Mountains were calling. Which ranges did we see ourselves being in every weekend, and what nearby towns did we see ourselves living in, connecting with and calling home. Because the mission was to find a place that had BOTH. 

We had a route planned that was going to take us through the Sierra Nevadas, up through Oregon, Washington and then over all the way through Montana, down through Wyoming and into Colorado. We would sleep in dispersed camps under the stars each night (leave no trace, unless it’s a piece of firewood for the next guy). Then pack up camp and head to the nearest town for the day. Enjoying time getting a feel for the downtown, the outskirts, the people, and culture.  It was a loose plan, that had enough structure to get us in motion~

When the car was loaded up and on our first leg of the trip, my husband and I prayed over our trip outloud. (something my mom always did when we’d hit the road, thermoses full.) Along with safety for our trip we prayed that when we went somewhere we would get ‘a strong hell yes, or a strong hell no’ ~and that we BOTH would feel the exact same way. Looking back, it was this prayer that led us to where we now call home. 

Instead of telling you all about where we camped, the towns we went to, the gear we used, the animals we saw, how I wore my hair- or any of the day to day details that made up the summer. I’m just going to share with you HOW we landed where we did and HOW we knew it was right. (If you are interested in the nitty gritty details - text me, call me, or come sit in my chair and we can catch up!) 

At this point on the adventure we’d been A LOT of places, some were okay, some were a hell no and none had been a hell yes. That is until we made it to the Grand Tetons. If you’ve ever been, they are EPIC AF and offer every adventure. (but, beware grizzly&moose)

You know what else is epic in the Tetons? Their summer thunderstorms. A great night’s sleep in a tent if I’m being honest, but after a couple nights getting poured on by the rain and not being able to count ANY seconds between the thunder and the lighting - we decided we’d head for drier ground and wait out the storm. 

Which landed us in both a state and a town that wasn’t even on our radar. We rolled in looking for a hot meal and a break from the weather before we got back on the road. I remember when my husband and I looked at each other and read one another’s mind. Whoa, this FEELS good, and maybe we should spend a few days here. 

From there it became a HELL YES and everything - literally everything, fell quickly right into place and unfolded in front of us. You have the power to create the life you want and the amount of gratitude I feel is off the charts. Never listen to anyone or anything other than your own intuition and the good Lord above. It’s True North!

Click HERE for the exact location and major surrounding areas! Come along, you’re invited on the ride!

