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NBR At Home Care: Air Drying + Styling Products

It’s video #3 and I’m pretty happy to be doing a 5 part video series for my clients. (insert all the happy emojis)

If you would have asked me a year ago if I’d be making videos and hosting them on YouTube - It would have been a strong HELL NO!

Ask me a year ago if I thought it was important to provide value to my clients, and it would have been a “Well, HELL YES!”

I didn’t realize those 2 things could go hand in hand. But I did know that there was SO much more to my clients hair care, than the few hours we spend together every 6-8 weeks.

I mean think about it - your hair spends more time away from your stylist then it does with your stylist. So why is the only info you’re getting about hair once every 2 months??!!

I wanted to share how to take care of your hair in those months that we are apart. SO - I started to create videos for my clients to add value to their experience.

SO here we are - video 3/5 on How To: Air Dry & Style Prep your NBR

I hope you enjoy this video, and you know that my goal is to set you up for so much success at home that you find the Low Maintenance groove of NBR. Because it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

xo babes ~

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Your ONLY job @ your Hair Appointment

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I’m subscribed to several different magazine publications (before you think, man this chick subscribes to a lot of things) I get magazines monthly to have in the salon! I like offering a variety of magazines from Travel to Wellness, Architecture and Beauty and of course I have to throw in some Style & Decor.

I like to have options displayed for you to choose from, so you can set your phone down and fully unplug at your appointment. It’s really easy to spend an entire hair appointment sucked into the mindless scroll, which is a slippery slope the can lead into the negative comparison game. Let’s break that cycle.

This is time for YOU. It’s the time to fill your cup [both literally - “would you like red or white wine during your appointment today” and physically restoring yourself with a little R&R]

There is something about a magazine in print that when you’re holding in your hands, feeling the paper, maybe finding a sample perfume packet tucked into the spine, and - reading about things that have NOTHING to do with people you know on Facebook — you disconnect and get lost in imagination!

I found myself reading this quick article from Domino because I just HAD to know what the Unofficial Oolor of Summer ‘19 was going to be - - and then doing a mini living room makeover in my mind. Like - I’m pretty certain that I NEED THAT RUG. Don’t you think?!!

My goal when you come in for your appointment is that you take a break, relax, read a magazine, enjoy a refreshment, have a snack and unplug for a moment. You need to recharge sister. When your appointment is over I promise you will LOOK beautiful and FEEL emotionally refreshed and with both of those in your favor you can’t help but feel confident and like a whole new woman!

When you sit in my chair you’re not there ‘just to get your hair touched up’ the goal of your appointment is to show you a physical transformation that is an outward reflection of your strength, your intelligence and your beauty!

This is how I want to help you on your Self Care Journey! Remember, we’re in this together! xo babes~

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